Thursday, April 24, 2003

It's over. Yep. Had my Biodiversity exam today. Got it over and done with. Got the 'butterflies in tummy' feeling whilst re-revising for it in the morning... But got it over and done with. Felt that I gave the best I could under the circumstances! So whatever will be, will be. Heh. Really thank God. Not sure for what. But just feel so thankful somehow in the midst of all the madness of cramming.

Resorted to answering 2 evolution-related questions for the paper cos I really wasn't up to answering the ones on Bacteria. Yeesh. Heterosporus strobilus indeed. Made sure my answers were peppered with "hypothesised", "proposed", "theory" and what not. Crapped my way through for justifying the study of insects. Ah well. Oh, and I misplaced my question paper after the exam. (note to self: zap it from someone who kept it) Heh. Think of it as wanting a momento from the module.

Actually meant to study for my SEA landscape module in the library, but the 'after-paper' high made me too jittery. So here I am at home... Argh... Rambling....

Yvonne | 5:32 PM |
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