Tuesday, March 06, 2007

lucid update

Very good. At least that was how Y. described the shots I took for the youth sports event. I'll confess. It was their semi-pro camera that I was using. What with an anti-shake function and a 10x optical zoom, in addition to the manual controls, taking the action shots wasn't difficult at all. But nonetheless, the SMS of approval sure made me feel... good. :)

I kept seeing them today during the short walk to the nearby food centre. They were EVERYWHERE. Sardine-d in the lift, on the escalator, nattering over wraps and fruit juice blends in a glass windowed cafe - they of the Singaporean female yuppie mold. Powdered faces, long straight (read: limp, mostly thanks to rebonding) hair, typical office worker garb. The thought of morphing into one of them was enough to make me want to race to the nearest cliff and leap off in sheer horror. Which was quite a silly muse really - there's absolutely no need for such stomach-churning anxiety if I'm confident of my own.. identity... Right?

Sigh. God forbid that I ever get categorised into that sort of girl. The sort who spends time fretting over her weight and cosmetic woes. Who can't (or won't) do something that might chip a fingernail. Who... well, who is a lot of things that I don't want to be.

This isn't a diatribe against being a woman. Honest. I'm totally proud of being female. Ah-huh. One hundred percent, yessiree. I guess at the end of the day... it's all about wanting to LIVE as a girl, not be imprisoned as one.


In other news, we felt the tremors from the South Sumatran earthquake at 11.40am today, but no evacuation was called for. One of the managers said he could see the swaying from the office window (I wanna see that toooo!). Hrm. But I didn't realise that it was so serious until I did a web search... =/

Yvonne | 11:01 PM |
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